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The Process

1.    Each building owner(s) was to file a written statement of its intent to comply with Paragraph 13 of Ordinance 18-14 to the Fire Department and /or building department by November 3rd, 2018; i.e. water-based fire sprinkler system and upgrade the alarm system will be performed.

2.    Majority of the unit owners are to vote to OPT OUT of the required fire sprinkler and fire alarm protection of Ordinance 18-14.

3.    Each building owner(s) are to secure the efforts of a licensed design professional and to affix their authorized seal or stamp per H.R.S. Section 16-115-9 to perform the building inspection and evaluation per the stipulations found on the official Fire and Safety Evaluation Work Sheet.

4.    A Building Fire and Life Safety Evaluation (LSE) shall be conducted by May 3rd, 2021 (within 3 years of May 3, 2018).

5.    If the Fire and Life Safety Evaluation does not receive a passing grade per the published ‘LSE form’ as presented in Ordinance 19-4 then the building will have until May 3rd, 2024 to bring the building into conformance and receive a passing grade.

6.    Buildings shall comply by passing the Building Fire and Life Safety Evaluation by May 3rd 2024 after correcting all of the deficiencies identified in the LSE.

7.    Any and all deficiencies requiring construction, electrical, or other such work as noted in the Fire and Life Safety Evaluation will require a properly Hawaii Licensed General Contractor possessing the appropriate licenses to submit a building permit application for approval prior to performing any corrective construction work. Our team member AMKO Builders is a Hawaii Licensed General Contractor possessing the range of required licenses.

8.    Upon receipt of an approved building permit issued by Honolulu Planning & Permitting Department (HPPD) then the contractor can perform the corrective work(s). Corrective work generally cannot be performed by the building’s maintenance staff since they are not licensed contractors.

9.    Contractor is responsible to secure approvals of all designated inspectors for all work performed including fire design professional and the Fire Department inspections to verify compliance with the corrective requirements determined by the Fire Life and Safety Evaluations (LSE).

10.  Building owners(s) further affirm to continue and maintain the passing status on their respective building Fire and Life Safety Code Assessments.

© 2020 by Fire Life Safety Hawaii.

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